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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

My Salvation and Deliverance from Satanic Music

James Austin - 07/08/2008

When I was a child and up to the age of 15, I had gone to some Baptist and Methodist churches off and on. I had even been what I believed at the time to be saved and baptized. I never really placed importance in my salvation as most Christians at the time. I was scared about hell so I thought if I got saved then I would go to heaven and still do whatever I wanted.

When I was about 16, I cared only about the world and gave God no attention at all. I was associating with people who weren't Christian and listening to music that wasn't Godly. I began to stop believing that there was a God and didn't care if He even existed.

A year and a half ago I was up late one night and I had nothing to do and I started thinking about life and the world and I felt a sudden loneliness and sadness and I looked up and said, "God, if You are real and Your Word is true, then help me; I want to know the truth". I don't think it was even two weeks and God led a brother I work with by the name of Nehemiah to me to inquire about carpooling with me. By this time, I had forgotten about what I had asked God. I was still listening to satanic music and living very worldly. The first week he rode with me to work I didn't play any music because I began to feel ashamed and did not want people to know to which music I listened. At this time, I didn't know Nehemiah was a Christian. A few weeks later someone else with whom we were carpooling, informed me that Nehemiah was a Christian. Then I really felt low and inadequate to be around him.

One day I was looking at some space nebula and stuff and I saw what looked like Jesus' face in one of these objects in space. Then I started thinking about God even more. I asked Nehemiah one day about it and we began to talk and he told me some things that the Bible spoke of. Then after about two weeks of talking and debating with him he led me to your website and I started reading and listening to some of your stuff and became very fearful of where I was headed.

That morning when I got home from work I cried to God to forgive me and save me. I confessed so many evil things I had done and wept and then felt a peace come over me. I have been reading and listening to your programs and teachings ever since and I feel the Holy Spirit every time I do. God began to work in me and I bought your "Sovereign God" book and an ASV Bible. Now I have the New Testament on audio and I only have the desire to listen to music that glorifies God, and I listen and read the Word of God.

I have lost the desire to watch all TV programs because I can now see the sinful nature of TV and how TV glorifies sin. I believe God has saved me and He also healed me from plantar facial (a painful tendon injury) by faith alone.

Glory to God!

God Bless you, brothers and sisters. I don't listen to evil music and I feel better inside. God has really changed me. Thank you!

I had sent an email about my wife a while ago but I couldn't remember if I had ever given my testimony to you. My wife is still an unbeliever but I continue to pray for her salvation. I believe that one day God in some way will also save her.

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