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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

Last Outpouring & Gathering

Amos Scaggs - 02/01/2011
(David's notes in red)

I kept sensing, 'Don't go to sleep; something great is about to happen'. Then this:

In a dream, I was working for a very wealthy individual (God) who owned a place on top of a mountain (the mountain of God). We were building corrals, platforms over them of which you could see forever, stocking up on a large quantity of medical supplies and rounding up cattle in the surrounding fields and hills. (Mal.4:2) But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. (Bringing in the harvest or revival and treating the spiritually-sick. Bringing them into the presence of God on spiritual Mount Zion.)

There were two moderate rains during the roundup but the latter rain turned out to be such an outpouring that we had run for shelter. The three of us seemed to be on horseback (the subdued flesh) when the rain turned into a downpour, but when we ran up the mountain for shelter we were on foot. The mountain was extremely steep and difficult to climb; the strongest one ran straight up the steep part but the other two circled around an easier elevation and all met at the top. (We need to visit the Lord for strength and guidance). (The mountain of the kingdom of God will be easily taken by those filled with the latter rain. On top of the mountain is His temple and presence.)

As the day cleared, we were talking to the owner who instructed us to go again to gather in the roundup. We were working on a very small marble table with a small hole in it that you couldn't see but you knew it was there. We said, "You fix the hole in it and we will go", and he said, "I will take care of that". (God will fix the hole in the table of your heart so the Word will never leak out again. Man can preach the Gospel but only God can cure.) So our guide and the two of us went to round up the cattle of the largest roundup ever in a renewed strength. (God's provision is being stolen by the curse and the devourer, which is normal to most, but by the grace of God through the latter rain, we will see things last and the blessing will not be wasted. The largest ingathering of the saints by far is upon us.)

I saw the globe of Earth sectioned off in four pieces, like cutting a pie --north to south and west to east. (After the last great roundup will come the greatest division of the earth and the greatest wars that have ever been at the time of "the great and terrible day of the Lord". This is when God judges the Beast and Harlot for their treatment of the saints.)

As of June 6th at 4:00 pm, America had not yet accepted the mighty rush of the outpouring of the Spirit and time was of the essence.

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