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Unleavened Bread Ministries with David Eells

Delivered from Constant Pursuit of "The Truth"

Brad Moyers - 05/03/2009

I have a testimony to share which will surprise anyone who knows me.

I have been saved since around September of 2004 and have been an avid reader of "alternative news" almost as long. Every day I would check Alex Jones' PrisonPlanet.com for any interesting stories. I would also make great use of my cousin's membership to PrisonPlanet.tv to watch all of the documentary movies and to check the daily radio archives to see if there were any interesting guests or topics discussed, so I could download and listen to them while working from my computer. (As many of you know, I run the UBM website, so I am blessed to be able to work from home every day.)

Although David has always preached against consuming such "paranoia", I always justified it because, unlike so many others, it had zero effect on me in terms of causing fear, paranoia, patriotism, etc. So I didn't think it was a big deal and just kind of said, "Yeah, it applies to others, but not to me". I further rationalized my actions because I readily spoke against Alex's lifestyle and methods: "He's a Barabbas; he's a Unitarian; anything but the Christian he claims to be. Look at his fruit".

That all changed after a long talk with Garrett Crawford on 4/30/09. Just a day or two earlier, Garrett got convicted about consuming this paranoia-based information. Now he was trying to convince me. It wasn't working too well until God so convictingly spoke through him that my wife and I are one flesh, and whatever I'm consuming she's going to feel the effects of, whether she knows it or not, much like Siamese twins.

That's when it hit me how wrong what I had been doing was. Without going into detail, I'll just say that my wife has been in a yearlong battle with condemnation, fear and paranoia. She has been delivered several times but it literally never lasts more than a couple hours; this has caused her to give up even asking for deliverance because it always comes back seven times worse, as the Bible says it will.

I'm not surprised. Those same demons, which Alex Jones both has and spreads, have been entering in through my eyes and ears and doing their work on my wife. It didn't matter that they had no effect on me, or that I spoke against Alex as a person; they still came in because I let them in.

So after about 30 minutes on the phone with Garrett, I repented of consuming anymore of Alex's material. My wife was so happy when I told her of my repentance. She never liked just knowing that I was consuming all this stuff (and talking about it on the phone with friends) because it would intensify her feelings of condemnation, fear and paranoia. I realize now that those intensified feelings of hers literally were the demons entering through me and tormenting her.

But God didn't stop there.

He convicted me to stop consuming ANY information which goes beyond being "simple to that which is evil" (Rom.16:19). That doesn't stop at Alex Jones; it extends far into the mainstream media, as well.

One reason I had never wanted to give up on "alternative news" as my information source was because I knew that all I would be left with is the corporate/state-run mainstream media, and that's about as truth-filled as the state-sanctioned church. But God reminded me that if we have worldly knowledge we don't need faith. That is why He commanded me to abstain from consuming any information that goes beyond being "simple to that which is evil". That includes almost everything put out by all of the mainstream media, as well as other news sources, such as WorldNetDaily, DEBKAfile, Ha'aretz, etc. The list could go on forever. And for that reason God commanded me to stop seeking out ANY worldly news for a season, including the occasional flipping to Fox News on TV.

I already feel like I'm in a kind of wilderness, cut off from all news. (My wife NEVER watches news, so I can't even get any unintentionally.) I know I'm bound to hear things from people but I can't control that and I'm not going to act like a fool and cover my ears and start babbling if someone starts mentions something. That's not what God wants. He wants obedience from me, and right now that means not seeking out worldly news. So that's what I'll do, by His grace.

That's about it. My intention is not to be legalistic. I am not trying to impose my faith or convictions on anyone. Just consider that I was dedicated to "true" news for years and, by the power of God, I gave it and more up cold turkey -- with no withdrawal symptoms.

(Heb.4:7) he again defineth a certain day, To-day, saying in David so long a time afterward (even as hath been said before), To-day if ye shall hear his voice, Harden not your hearts.

Related reading:

Update from Janie McManus - 05/09/2009

I just read Brad's testimony about being delivered from the "pursuit of the truth."

About three weeks ago I had an image within a dream of a side view of a TV/monitor that was bright orange but painted over in camouflage, and the Lord instructed me that it was an alert -- a "heads up" about stuff from the Net -- coming in "undercover" and infiltrating my "innocence"; and it has to do with the battle we are in, to be excellent in what is good, and innocent of evil.

Since I don't have TV, I had most often skimmed DRUDGE/tabloid and I hadn't much "thirst" for bad news, until recently I had begun reading Steve Quayle, which is way past my limits, but I sensed a "fascination" awakening.

My husband strongly warned me against that sort of stuff. Then the Lord confirmed my husband Tom's caution with the image in the dream. Brad's testimony is an establishing witness.

My husband was also convicted and repented of listening to Rush Limbaugh (about three years ago) for similar reasons of defilement in his spirit.

Thank you again for your "voice in the wilderness."

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